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The second kindergarten shishi lakeside | door of quality education



Project name: Fujian Shishi City Hubin No.2 Kindergarten Recreation Equipment Project

Location: Donghua Road, Shishi City, Fujian Province

Type of service: overall planning/equipment production and installation/post-maintenance

Project Planner: Guangzhou Smart Sports Equipment Co., Ltd


In order to improve the supporting facilities of education and further ease the pressure of kindergarten, many coastal towns and villages are simultaneously adding more public kindergartens to promote the balanced development of urban and rural development and education in Shishi. Shishi Lakeside Second Central Kindergarten is one of the additional projects.

It is located on Donghua Road, surrounded by densely packed houses and a large population. After the completion of the park, 18 classes will be added, so that more school-age children can enjoy high-quality preschool education at their own doorstep.

As the organizer of the recreation equipment project of Hubin No.2 Central Kindergarten, Guangzhou Smart makes full use of the space structure of the park and sets out from the original intention of "implementing the comprehensive development education in physical, intellectual, moral and aesthetic aspects for children" to establish a safe and enjoyable learning environment for children.

outdoor play area

According to the characteristics of different children, we set up different ways of outdoor recreation, which can meet the children's active and exploring nature at the same time. The outdoor recreation area is equipped with large children's plastic slide, climbing equipment, expansion equipment and interactive percussion instruments, so as to guide children to do more outdoor activities, contact with the sun and air, and get close to nature.

The large children's slide of the machine sea cloud sky series, with bright colors, can successfully catch the attention of children all at once. We combine some comprehensive functional movements such as drilling, climbing, climbing and sliding in the design, so that children can not only exercise but also enjoy their body and mind in playing.At the same time, it can also let children feel the dynamic experience brought by different Spaces.

Climbing is the nature of children, is the basic activities of children to develop the ability to move.Climbing up off the ground is very challenging for children. Although they may be a little timid at the beginning, they will gradually become more courageous and confident after trying again and again, which is conducive to cultivating the strong character of children who will not give up in the face of difficulties.


Kindergartners usually configure a wooden climbing frame made of Huanghua pear as the main material, which enables children to learn to control their bodies, grasp the balance and coordination of their hands and feet through climbing activities.


Percussion instruments are a family of Musical Instruments that produce sound effects by beating, shaking, rubbing, etc.Some percussion instruments can produce melodic and chorus effects as well as rhythm.We use new ideas and technical knowledge to ensure that the sound and appearance of the products are practical, to achieve the meaning of education and entertainment.


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